ENH 224 | Spring 2018 | College of Staten Island, CUNY


“Borderlands La Frontera” (Monica R.)

I never thought nor came across someone that actual can write a book about languages. Honestly being Spanish, I can relate to this story. Gloria can jump from language to language as she speaks and that’s exactly what I am use to doing.  I love speaking Spanish and English at the same time. Some words in Spanish sound more meaningful then they would in English. I never thought I was being judged until I read this story. Gloria was constantly judged for speaking a different language to other.  For example her family.  My family is big on speaking Spanish and they always felt it necessary for me to make sure to not speak English in the house.  They demanded that from me because that is our cultural. I believe speaking different languages is very beneficial and no one should ever feel ashamed of speaking it.

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