ENH 224 | Spring 2018 | College of Staten Island, CUNY


Rommi Smith & her passion for poetry. (Karina)

Arriving at this event I was very excited especially being able to bring someone. When my boyfriend and I arrived we sat down anxiously waiting for the poets to perform. As Rommi Smith began her piece “Mornings and Midnight” I was automatically intrigued by her words and the amount of passion she put into every single character. As I listened to her words my boyfriend wrote them down. When she finished her performance I began reading her quotes. There were two quotes that caught my attention and left me in awe. ” Heaven goes where death does not” and ” A drunk itch of a rumor that only the devil sells.” I had so many questions for her and as I continued to try and get a chance to have my questions answered so did many other students. So as I waited until after class, she was bombarded by more students asking questions and handing in the audience feedback sheet. I never got the chance to ask her about these words that I am still so curious about.

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