ENH 224 | Spring 2018 | College of Staten Island, CUNY


Not all poetry is the same. (wilfreisy)

To be honest I did not want to show up to this particular poetry reading. I strongly dislike poetry because of how boring it can be, however, to my surprise it was quite the opposite. Tracie Morris and Rommi Smith really outdid themselves. Smiths style was quite interserting, she incorporated various elements such as different voices for each character she portrayed and an instrument which added body. I enjoyed how her poems were like a collection of stories and just flowed. Tracie Morris was by far my favorite though her style was very different, I loved it! She combines ideas you wouldn’t think of combining. Morris was also very relatable. I connected with the fact she grew up in Brooklyn it was as if I could see myself. This poetry reading really peaked my interest and I hope to attend more in the future.

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