ENH 224 | Spring 2018 | College of Staten Island, CUNY


What We’ve Learned from Each Other (Brim)

  1. Many quiet people.
  2. People are better writers than on-the-spot speakers
  3. We bring different perspectives and thus different readings to a text.
  4. Small groups = better developed critical thinking than in large group discussion.
  5. Respect makes “difficult” discussions easier.
  6. There are a bunch of different characters in this class.
  7. Less narrow-minded is preferable.
  8. Your opinions matter.
  9. How to get your point across better.
  10. It’s easier to assign gender rather than ask.
  11. Upbringing shapes how we read texts (example: heteronormativity)
  12. We can still ask who, what, where, why, how using many different literary approaches
  13. History of a text is important
  14. How to post using WordPress
  15. Re-evaluated group work

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