ENH 224 | Spring 2018 | College of Staten Island, CUNY


“Riches harming the poor” (Karina)

I was a bit frustrated when I began reading the Class Stratification in Higher Education section of the essay because yet again we stumble upon what I like to call the rich kid advantage. ” Prestigious schools actively cater to wealthy students and their families, who can pay for college prep courses, tutors, tuition, and alumni donations. By many measures, in higher education riches harm the poor” (4-5).  So does this mean that because your family is poor you do not deserve to go to the same school as a rich person ?. Why is money so much more important to them than education and opportunity. What troubles me even more is the fact that this advantage even actually exists and it sucks because there are some really smart and hardworking students who deserve these kinds of opportunities but the only thing preventing them from getting into these schools and furthering their education is the fact that their families are not rich and cant do anything for the school. Meanwhile the rich do not realize the advantage they have and many do not even appreciate it.  

1 Comment

  1. I love this post, it is frustrating and the fact that this is even a discussion is even more disturbing.

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