ENH 224 | Spring 2018 | College of Staten Island, CUNY


I finally figured out how to work the site! (Abi)

This is my first semester in CSI and my first time back in school after 2 years… when I first registered I read all the reviews of Mr. Brim on rate my professor. I was pretty impressed and decided to take the “regular” English class. The first day I walked in I noticed the “LGBT” and “Queer studies” on the board but did not pay much attention to it. Little did I know it was going to be a LGBT short story class. I’m actually really excited for the rest of the semester and see what it holds and educate myself. I know most people tend to be ignorant or close minded when it comes to “gays” or “lesbians” but I think that’s because they aren’t educated on it. I want to take in as much knowledge and spread even more maybe then people won’t be so freaked out everytime they hear the word gay!

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