ENH 224 | Spring 2018 | College of Staten Island, CUNY


A dialogue with myself (Lianna) – Group Post

“Everything the White Boy Told You : Manuel Muñoz ” was one of the most impressionable readings I’ve read in this class and here I expound on it.

-Why you think you’ll remember this text or texts? It’s very relatable and transcends sexuality and gender. I date outside my culture and have dated white men in particular. It makes me question if I’m being fetishized by them and how they perceive “Latinas” since we are hypersexualized in the media. Do they really like me for me? Or just the idea of having a Latina as another notch on their belt? While they settle down with a white woman.
—Be specific in how you discuss the text, especially in terms of which parts will be memorable to you. What makes those parts stick in your mind? I liked the unreliable and omniscient narrator. It was a fairly new concept to me to see both intertwined. It’s a great read because you catch yourself questioning and analyzing everything. For instance — Who’s the narrator? Who are they talking to? Are just some questions that’ll arise.
–What happened in class that will help create your memory of the text? What did your classmates say, or what discussions emerged that stuck with you? It was fun to dissect the text and figure out the deeper meaning. There are plenty of epiphanic moments in the reading & a twist at the end that you don’t except. It also humanizes both the narrator and the white boy surprisingly. Perhaps the narrator fetishizes the white boy! At the end of the day we all just want to be loved and in love. The author explores that and shows that PoC fall in love too even if it’s unrequited.
–How do you think your memory of this text will change/grow? I will always remember this text. It’ll stick with me for a long time. It’s very realistic and relatable as I stated before. It’s a great piece to start a dialogue that explores the complexities that surround interracial/intercultural relationships.
–How, if at all, might remembering this text help you to live your life? I’m an active reader so this particular text made me want to explore similar authors and stories. It also made me want to write again and revitalize my creative skills. The class in general helped boost that as well. It’s nice to hear POC stories and know that our stories want and need to be heard!

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