I couldnt help feeling deprived as I read Professor Brim’s Poor Queer Studies. To be honest i come from a very humble family, my father passed away when I was 12 leaving my mother, my sisters and I to fend for ourselves very early in life. It wasnt in any of our dreams or expectations to go to a private or Ivy league school that just wasn’t something that was ever in the cards for my sisters and I so we didn’t even dream about it no matter how high my grade point average was. When I graduated high school my first choice was CSI -Professor Brim describes as “a scrappy, smart, deeply underfunded college in the City University of New York system” i have to agree this is a smart school and it has some of the best professor but it is deeply underfunded. We have the worst parking systems that we have to pay for, we have limited seating in some of my classes we can hear each others breathing because we are so close to each other and many times our projector doesn’t work so we have to find another classroom to watch our professors slides in. Do we not deserve the same as rich kids do ? This essay really made me feel deprived for myself and my classmates and it opened my eyes to something that i was getting accustomed to to the point that i wasnt even noticing how underfunded we are.
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