On a single page, write an evaluation of your work this semester in ENH 224. YOU WILL PRINT OUT YOUR SELF-EVALUATION AND HAND IT TO ME ON THE LAST DAY OF CLASS, AND YOU WILL ALSO EMAIL IT TO ME AT matt.brim@csi.cuny.edu.
Include the following information:
Did you complete all of the reading assignments? If not, why not?
Did you complete all of theĀ writing assignments? If not, why not?
How many classes did you miss, and what did you do to make up for your absences?
How many times did you attend office hours? If you didn’t attend office hours, why not?
Describe your contributions to class discussions. Be specific.
Which peer helped you the most this semester? How?
Which peer did you learn the most from in class discussions this semester?
What role(s) did you take on in group work? How would you evaluate yourself in terms of group work?
What else do you want me to know as I evaluate your work?
What overall grade would you give yourself for this class?
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