ENH 224 | Spring 2018 | College of Staten Island, CUNY


Quick Share. Color of fear (Alston)

This my peers, is a MUST watch and I wanted to share it with you the moment we began speaking about Baldwin. Prof. Brim I feel, did an amazing job going over some elements of a time period that we were not necessarily part, though we are products of the people who were; our ancestors and distant relatives. We may not be like them but it’s important to tune into the issues they’ve faced on both ends or continue to give the problem back to those who are distinctly the cause of racism and hardship. I also want to commend the young man who stated that, it’s important not to ignore where words such as the N-word,  where it derived from, how it had been used or why it was used, because it is part of (HIStory). However, lets keep in mind, if words are so important, we have to continue to speak truth from our narrative which includes (OURstory). We must continue to create (HERStory) and (THEIRstory) too. What a world we live in, yeah?

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