ENH 224 | Spring 2018 | College of Staten Island, CUNY


Are you uncomfortable?(Shelley F.)

While reading “Poor Queer Studies,” by Matt Brim something he states on page 9 sticks with me, “queer studies has been incorporated unevenly, to be sure to curricula and research projects by teachers and scholars at ever tier of academe, we have been remiss in failing to interrogate the relationship between queer studies done at colleges across class-based educational tiers.” I do not only take what he’s saying as, instead of being taught directly in schools it is “taught” in other ways through projects and etc. However, to my understanding and personal experience there may be a group of “instructors” who may feel uncomfortable speaking or teaching Queer studies evenly in different colleges and schools not only in the United States, but through out the world. I put quotes around the world instructor because I believe an instructor should put his or her own thoughts and beliefs aside when walking into a classroom to educate individuals in that matter.

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